5 Past World's End - A game in 7 days

Hello non-yet-existent followers!

I’ve come to announce the (indev) release of my project for the last week. 5 Past World’s End. A small puzzle game with a timer and the risk of the end of the world if you fail the challenge (which is not that hard :P).

The game is not fully fleshed out, but my “self” challenge was to publish whatever was made after 7 days, this was to force myself to finish a project, considering that I also had work and house stuff to take care of xD. And so here it is, after 5 private releases, the deadline arrives and the 6th release is made public!!! Should have been the 7th, because there was a release per day, but the puzzles took more than expected to accomplish.

See you space cowboy…


5 Past World's End - 0.6.0 Indev 6.6 MB
May 10, 2020

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